Popular "science"?

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From: Gene Thompson (gthompso@ccsf.cc.ca.us)
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 18:57:53 PDT

Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 18:57:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gene Thompson <gthompso@ccsf.cc.ca.us>
Subject: Popular "science"?
Message-ID: <Pine.HPX.4.21.0008221848540.24388-100000@fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us>

A new book, called something like The Coming Global Superstorm has a
number of interesting propositions which I'd like to hear discussed (since
this is not my area of knowledge, and the authors provide no references or
bibliography). The main thrust is that global warming traps heat in the
troposphere, causing the stratosphere to cool (I do know this cooling is
currently happening, but not why). When the lower atmosphere gets hot
enough, it changes the main Atlantic ocean current (how wasn't totally
clear, but I think it was related to water vapor in the atomsphere). This
kills the movement of energy from Equator to pole making temperature
differences more extreme. At some point, the cold air in the upper
troposphere and lower stratosphere sinks, but the temp diff are so extreme
that the cold air doesn't have time to adequately warm up, all of which
leads to a massive storm that spans pole to equator and continues until
there is a massive snow fall (as in big enough to qualify for the start of
an ice age, if it happens during winter).

This is the book, condensed. My question is, what of this is possible,
probable, likely, or totally wacko?

Ellen Koivisto
George Washington High School
San Francisco

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