Radiation through glass

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From: Alejandra León (leonale@racsa.co.cr)
Date: Sun Feb 04 2001 - 10:55:29 PST

Message-ID: <3A7DA5A2.8A251E52@racsa.co.cr>
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2001 12:55:29 -0600
From: Alejandra León <leonale@racsa.co.cr>
Subject: Radiation through glass

Our Costa Rican organization is preparing a section for our web page
(http://www.cientec.or.cr -mostly in Spanish) on radiation, eye protection, skin
care and more to accompany our Dec. 14, 2001 Annular Eclipse campaign that we
will do locally and would like to ask for help in understanding some concepts and
finding good sources.

I appreciated the suggestion from the Learning Studio on the Article Black and
White from the Feb. issue of Discovery. It is interesting, easy to read and
short. It does not answer why the Inuits are brown, but I guess that has to do
with evolutionary periods. The article can be used by teachers in their own
classrooms ( here - private schools that teach science in English or in most
schools in the English class by
English teachers that do not fear science).

My main questions right now have to do with radiation through glass.

Can you tan through glass?

If that were so, then I guess in high latitudes people who like to tan
would have glass rooms to lay in, instead of the tanning saloons.

Are there different types of glass and could you purchase a tanning glass if you
wanted to? What rays go through glass? Surely the infrared, since we can warm
up behind glass. Are the infrared in any way responsible for the tan?

Since I am in Costa Rica and I have difficulties with access to printed sources,
I would appreciate your help with web sources, electronic materials that can be
accessed through the learning studio and such.

And if anyone of you wants to come and see the eclipse, let me know.

Thank you in advance,

  __             http://www.cientec.or.cr
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 /\/_//_/  /___  _/_  /___  / |/   /    /___  /___ 
          Tel:(506) 233-7701, Fax:(506) 255-2192
          P.O.Box 8536-1000, San José, Costa Rica

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