Re: pinhole RE:TV turn-off week

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Date: Wed Apr 21 2004 - 18:23:02 PDT

Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 21:23:02 EDT
Subject: Re: pinhole RE:TV turn-off week

There was a request for suggestions on how to commemmorate TV Turn-Off week.
At my current school, we do exactly nothing to commemorate the week. Parents
weren't even informed of the dates.

At my OLD school, we made a big deal out of this week. I liked our approach
and I share it with you: We did the following:

Several months of planning took place, with a committee and a chairperson who
planned events.

The week before the event, children signed a written "pledge" that they would
not watch TV during the week. After discussion, we included computer games
and Nintendo-style games in the prohibition, but allowed internet research.

The committee provided a full schedule of activities for the week. The
schedule was highly promoted to all the families in advance. I don't remember
exactly, but it went something like: Monday evening, Family Game Night, Tuesday
evening, Real Aloud night, Wednesday Night, Story telling at the School
Library, etc. Some of the events were "to do at home" events, and some were at the
school, with volunteer teachers leading them. There was a family hike held on
Saturday, which was promoted. Then after the week was over, children had to
have their parents sign a verification form that they actually did not watch
television/play video games, etc. All children who turned in verfications
received a certificate and got to participate in an assembly, where ice cream was
served and they got to hear the Principal read them a story.

One interesting aspect: Many students tried to keep the TV off, but could
not be faithful to their pledge for a whole week. This gave teachers an
opportunity to discuss how addictive TV can be, and how well the students did just in
TRYING to give it up for the week.

I felt that our TV Turnoff week was very well done.

Hope this info is helpful and gives you ideas!

Susan Sevilla

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