disposable cameras

Wed, 08 Jan 1997 19:11:52 -0800

From: loum@pacbell.net
Message-Id: <32D461F8.380A@pacbell.net>
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 19:11:52 -0800
To: pinhole@exploratorium.edu
Subject: disposable cameras

Science Teachers,
Perhaps you TI alumns already have found this out but it was news to me.
Apparently disposable cameras are now being recycled. Gone are the days
when you could just walk into a camera shop or drug store take as many as
you could carry? One shop said that someone comes by and picks through
them and pays the owner .25 for non flash and .50 for flash cameras. My
local Longs said that a Fuji rep. comes by and gathers them up. I still
got the amount of cameras I needed but had to ask for a few, at a couple
of different places because they were kind of hesitant to just give them
away. I suppose we should seen this coming. I have always waited until
the last minute, then sauntered across the street to get my classes'
cameras. I will have to plan better next year. Anyone else out there
experiencing this?
Lou Morton
St. Francis Solano School