Re: Pinhole Daily Digest
Tue, 25 Mar 1997 22:56:18 +0000

Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 22:56:18 +0000
To: Pinhole Listserv <>
Subject: Re: Pinhole Daily Digest

I had some luck with a model of 3 polarizers at 45o to one
another-though it takes some playing with to get it functional--I set
up two baking cooling racks perpendicular to one another, through
these I dropped rectangular strips of colored construction paper-a
very small percentage make it through the bottom "filter"--but when I
placed a third cooling rack at 45o between the two original at least a
third of the pieces made it through--Chris phrased it as the filter
"imposing its will" on the polarization of the light--the students
seemed to appreciate the model--my students have trouble even
visualizing polarized light waves--in a fit of frustration I made them
all stand up and told them to turn any way, then I said stop-hold your
arms out, you are now randomly polarized--then I had them all face
forward, hold their arms out again and christened them plane
polarized--there were many ah hahs...I followed this up with trying to
walk through the door with my arms extended and getting "blocked"
Heidi Black, Oak Grove HS