visual attraction

Mike Schulist (
Tue, 15 Dec 1998 19:30:10 +0100

Message-Id: <v01540b05b29c593ef950@[]>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 19:30:10 +0100
To: "Pinhole Listserv" <>
From: (Mike Schulist)
Subject: visual attraction

Any experts in the science of sexuality out there? I informed my eighth
grade science class that males are visually stimulated sexually more than
women are. I told them this was "programed in their biology" and part of
the way their nervous system operated their sex organs. I concluded that as
a result of this biological difference in men's "sexual programming"
society has adopted many different attitudes about sex for men and for
women. When someone questioned me on how exactly I knew this, I realized I
didn't have any definitive scientific proof to offer.

Did I make all this up, or has science actually proved that men are more
visually stimulated sexually? Anyone know or know where I could find out?

Thanks! Mike Schulist
Miller Creek Middle School