Doppler echo?

George Fosselius (
Tue, 11 May 1999 17:04:00 -0700

Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 17:04:00 -0700
From: George Fosselius <>
To: Pinhole Listserv <>
Subject: Doppler echo?

One of the newer East Bay Regional Park District facilities is the
Carquinex Straight Regional Shoreline (western unit) accessable eastward
from Pomona Ave in Crockett.
It includes remains of an old side-wheeler ferry boat, a new fishing
pier and a section of the gradually increasing "Bay Trail" (the
shoreline one not the BART-"Bay Area Ridge Trail")

AmTrak wends its way along this shoreline regularly between Richmond and
Martinez, so there's a good chance you can hear this echo. There's a
steep canyon you can drive or walk down from the road. The train tracks
are along the mouth of the canyon.
What I heard from the east side of the canyon was, as the train went
east to west, was a honk followed immediately by a honk about a half or
whole note HIGHER. Each time the train horn honked.
Who would like to offer an explanation?

George Fosselius XTI 98
Physics, computers, weather, hydroponics, etc at MacGregor (at risk)
High School, Albany