a question on heat

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From: Steve Miller (nanodog2@hotmail.com)
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 19:33:25 PDT

From: "Steve Miller" <nanodog2@hotmail.com>
Subject: a question on heat
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 19:33:25 -0700
Message-ID: <F55diHkXFv1PJj9ZcMo000162dc@hotmail.com>

Hi everyone -

Here's one of those questions that is so basic, yet I, at least, can't
answer it.

For water to turn to steam it must absorb 540 calories/gram. This is heat of
vaporization. But what's going on with the water molecules. Why does it need
to absorb this heat to vaporize? Are the water molecules adhering - and the
energy breaks these bonds? What's really going on?

(Ditto question for the phase transition from ice to water)

Thanks for the help,

Steve Miller

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