Re: pinhole "Bioenergetic" Wire

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From: Geoff Ruth (
Date: Tue Nov 26 2002 - 10:26:17 PST

Message-Id: <a0501040dba0968bc5379@[]>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 10:26:17 -0800
From: Geoff Ruth <>
Subject: Re: pinhole "Bioenergetic" Wire

Here are some explanations of how 'memory metal' works:

- Geoff

>Originally I planned to have my face altered to match
>my crooked teeth, but possible copyright infringement
>at the Picasso Museum prevented this. I now have
>braces and they just put some new wires on that they
>called "bioenergetic". Questioned further they said
>the metal was not "nitrinol"...but didn't know what it
>was made from. When you put the wire on ice you can
>easily twist it into a spring, but as soon as it warms
>up to room temperature it develops a strong "u" shape
>that is difficult to change. It makes sense to me that
>metals become "softer" when they are warm, but no
>sense that the opposite would be true. If you ever get
>these wires, from my experience, the worst thing to do
>is to go to Starbucks and have a hot latte, unless you
>like to grimace.
>How do they do that?
>With firm handshake,
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