sewer pipe

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From: Raleigh McLemore (
Date: Sat Mar 08 2003 - 11:55:38 PST

Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2003 11:55:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Raleigh McLemore <>
Subject: sewer pipe

They are putting in new sewer pipe at Glenview School
and I had to try clapping into the long lengths (60'?)
of plastic (PVC? 8-10"?) pipe to hear the ricochet
noises. Fond memories of the Exploratorium, but the
plastic pipe sounded much more distinct. Some students
were horsing around with the stacks of pipe and
noticed that the sound was a little different, maybe
higher in pitch, at the opposite ends of the end where
you clap (and we could whisper down the length and
hear each other well). They also noticed a soft "thud"
or "banging" noise that followed the "gun-shot" noise.
This thudding echo that follows the clap seems to get
softer and softer, you can hear it clearly for about 2
seconds. I don't remember the explaination at the
exploratorium and am struggling to understand exactly
what is happening using compression waves and other
stuff I normally use with little tiny people. A
teachable moment with a teacher who could only enjoy
the noise...ah well, my bad.

So, why does it do that?

With firm handshake,

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