Re: got bismuth?

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From: Roy Mayeda (
Date: Thu Mar 13 2003 - 06:12:49 PST

Date: 13 Mar 2003 08:12:49 -0600
Message-ID: <>
From: Roy Mayeda <>
Subject: Re: got bismuth?


Bismuth is sometimes used for waterfowling (Federal regulations prohibit lead for that purpose -- can be used in most other cases still, e.g. most target & upland). Other "non-toxic" materials include "steel" shot (iron) and tungsten mixtures. I'm sure a few others have been tried. (Latest big thing is supposed to be a Ni/W/Fe alloy from Remington that's denser than lead.) "Steel" shot is still the most common non-toxic as it is significantly cheaper. Some of the new shells run $1.50-$2.00 each, versus about $1 each for good steel, and $0.20-0.30 for lead target shells.

If there are any firing ranges near you, they will probably accept live rounds for disposal in small amounts. (We used to when I worked at Chabot in Castro Valley, though things may have changed after 9-11.) They're not particularly hazardous unless in a chamber of a gun pointed at someone. The big explosion thing is a Hollywood creation, but they would pop if burned or struck. (The pellets would be the slowest-moving part of the system though -- the bits of hull and base would be moving faster.) If you've already disassembled the shell, soaking the primer with oil is supposed to render them inert, though I haven't tried that. You'd get oil onto it from INSIDE the hull -- especially since factory ammunition often has sealed primers. Usually, it's easier to chamber the empty shell and fire the primer. NEVER try to remove a live primer, as their job requires them to explode as a result of shock. (It won't be a giant bang, but you probably wouldn't like it.)

Best of luck.

Roy Mayeda
Sauk Centre HS
Sauk Centre, MN
Resident firearms nut and cartridge reloader :-)

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