Take aparts

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From: Ben Pittenger (benpittenger@earthlink.net)
Date: Sat May 10 2003 - 08:03:37 PDT

Message-ID: <5419465.1052579021215.JavaMail.nobody@beaker.psp.pas.earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 08:03:37 -0700 (GMT)
From: Ben Pittenger <benpittenger@earthlink.net>
Subject: Take aparts

Raleigh mentioned taking apart a small engine if you have the tools. Even the tools can be fun to take apart. Many garage sales will have old tools that can be disassembled. Even a tape measure or an old eggbeater drill or any number of garage and kitchen gadgets can be interesting. They also can be great examples for a simple and complex machines unit. (think: worm gears and the like)

I've disassembled a couple of toasters, and I always see them at second-hand stores, cheap. They certainly don't seem to be designed to be taken apart and repaired! It's a lesson in patience to figure out some of the connectors and disconnect them in a way that allows them to be reconnected when finished. (Not meaning to get too political for these pages, but I get very frustrated with this mass-produced, throw-away, buy-new concept of marketing. It seems like modern appliance dissection provides a good opportunity to present a lesson on the differences between science, technology, and common sense!)

Ben Pittenger

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