Whirligig site makes LII list!

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From: Jo Falcon (jofalcon@exploratorium.edu)
Date: Thu Oct 23 2003 - 13:42:25 PDT

Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 13:42:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jo Falcon <jofalcon@exploratorium.edu>
Subject: Whirligig site makes LII list!
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.4.44.0310231314130.20081-100000@isaac>

From the people who brought you the Automata workshop -- Our Karen
Wilkinson and Mike Petrich had a life before the Exploratorium. The
website on windmills, whirligigs and other motion machines that
they did for the Science Museum of Minnesota has just been listed on the
Librarian's Index to the Internet! This is how LII summarizes it:

   From Windmills to Whirligigs
   This site focuses on the "unique science and art connection
   to wind" with features and activities centered around
   "Vollis Simpson and his windmill-powered whirligigs."
   Includes photos, an interactive map, a comic strip, and
   activity ideas such as motion machines and pinwheels. From
   the Science Museum of Minnesota.
   Subjects: Whirligigs...
   Created by je

lii.org, as if I haven't sent you there before, is a index of web
resources like Yahoo -- but more tightly organized, more specifically
aimed at education, and with thoughtful annotations so you don't have to
get into every site on the list to see if it's what you need. In their
words, "The mission of Librarians' Index to the Internet is to provide a
well-organized point of access for reliable, trustworthy,
librarian-selected Internet resources, serving California, the nation,
and the world."

Fortunately, the Learning Studio has the "From windmills to whirligigs"
video -- because if you try to watch it on the web you already get "Too
many viewers connected, try again later." And the huge audience lii.org
reaches will make this even worse.

Jo Falcon, MLIS
The Exploratorium Learning Studio
415 561-0343
"We unscrew the inscrutable."

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