Pinhole: Earth's rotation changed by quake?

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Date: Mon Dec 27 2004 - 10:23:14 PST

Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2004 13:23:14 EST
Subject: Pinhole: Earth's rotation changed by quake?

Hi Paul, Eric and All,

First of all it is devastating for the loss of life caused by the tsunamis
this past weekend and I know this will continue to be a topic of much discussion
in terms of warning systems, etc.

On an earth science point of view, something is being mentioned often but
without explanation on the news ... soooooo:

Can you please explain what the Cal Tech scientists are saying when they
state that the earth's rotation was changed by 8.9 quake that hit on Christmas?
How was the rotation changed, how does this rotation change affect the earth
overall, and what is the best way to explain it to 8th graders?

Thanks so much and hope your holidays are joyous ones,
Sue Pritchard

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