pigments of red heads

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From: Eric Plett (EPlett@serrahs.com)
Date: Mon Feb 07 2005 - 16:33:48 PST

Subject: pigments of red heads
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 16:33:48 -0800
Message-ID: <53B3BAA2AAE8164C85E60760022FCC1B0120AE2B@serra-exchange.serrahs.com>
From: "Eric Plett" <EPlett@serrahs.com>

Paul D.,


In one of our classes at the Exploratorium, you told us that red-headed
people have a different skin pigment (or was it hair pigment) than the
rest of the people of the world. Instead of just having different
amounts of pigment, they have a different pigment altogether.


In one of my physics classes today we started talking about how
fluorescent light bulbs work. That led to talking about ultra violet
rays and sunburns and tanning booths and such. Many of the students had
stories about "over-exposing" themselves to the sun and the after
effects of the exposures and the dangers of tanning booths. For short
term effects throwing up, outbreaks of shingles, and fatigue were all
mentioned besides the sunburn itself. We were also wondering about long
term effects on the skin and eyes.


As a red head yourself, could you remind me of the significance of red
hair related to the effects of sun rays? For a second question, are
there any safe tanning booths today? The only way that I can think that
they could be is if they emitted the less energetic UVA's nearest to the
visible spectrum. But would these rays even cause a tan? (And wouldn't
they still increase the wrinkling of the skin?) I still see tanning
booths around from time to time.


Eric Plett

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