freeing stuck glass stopper

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From: Geoff Ruth (
Date: Sun Apr 10 2005 - 13:26:49 PDT

Message-Id: <p06110411be7f3be2ce0e@[]>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 13:26:49 -0700
From: Geoff Ruth <>
Subject: freeing stuck glass stopper


I have a container of strong NaOH in a glass container, which has a
glass stopper seized inside of it. I have tried to get the stopper
out in several ways:

1. tapping it firmly against a table
2. freezing the whole bottle
3. pouring hot water over just the stopper section
4. pouring hot water over the stopper, when the rest of the container
is cool (not cold)
5. pouring acetone or isopropanol over the stopper to try to work
some down into the glass interface

None of these things have worked. I'd much rather not have to break
the bottle when it contains a strong base. Does anyone have any
advice about other ways to get this thing apart?


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