Re: pinhole vernier graphing motion

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From: Algis Sodonis (
Date: Sat Sep 28 2002 - 08:30:40 PDT

Message-id: <>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 08:30:40 -0700
Subject: Re: pinhole vernier graphing motion
From: "Algis Sodonis" <>

It sounds like you have a great plan!

Are you aware that Vernier has a file called "distance match" which has a permanent line which students try to match by walking. This may be a good preliminary or follow up activity, either in small groups or for the entire class. It's also a lot of fun. There's also velocity match, which is a lot harder and more fun (since kids are off by more.)

Algis. writes:
>Has anyone used the vernier motion detector to graph speed? I have a 9th grade physical science class and I just taught them d/t graphs and now I would like to reinforce the concept by having them walking toward the motion detector. I have never used the equipment, let alone tried to write up a lesson for it. Does anyone have anything I could use as a draft or any inquiry based activities I could do with it. My plan is to pose questions and have them draw their predictions as d/t graphs, then
>test their predictions by having them do it and then ask questions about any discrepancies.
>The physics teacher at my school does it with his class but I'm trying to keep it simple. These guys have barely grasped speed (and have barely graphed speed.) I haven't covered acceleration yet.
>Does anyone have any other ideas besides these.
>1.†† walking forward at a constant velocity.
>2. student at rest.
>3.† moving forward and speeding up to a constant velocity from rest.
>4.†† moving forward and slowing down to rest from a constant velocity.
>5.†† student starts moving forward from rest.† His/her velocity increases to a constant and then slows down to rest.
>6.† student starts moving backward from rest.† His/her velocity increases to a constant and† then slows down to rest.
>7.†† Mr. Crown starts moving forward from rest.† His velocity increases to a constant and he then slows down to rest.† Next he starts walking backwards and increases his velocity to a constant and then he slows down to rest at his exact starting point.
>Closure:† Complete the following questions
>1. What were three things that could have had a negative effect on you experiment, while using the motion detector (observations)?
>2. What does the slope of a displacement - time graph represent?† How about a velocity - time graph?
>3. What do positive / negative slopes indicate for a displacement - time graph.† How about for velocity - time graphs?
>4. What were some discrepancies between the computer-generated graphs and yours?† What caused these?†

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